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Our Portfolio

You and AI have successfully implemented Conversational AI and Generative AI projects for clients in The Netherlands, the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

We deliver value through an Agile 4 step process:
– Analyze – Design – Build – Improve –

Schedule a free discovery call and find out how we can help your organization leverage AI. 

Ride Hailing AI Agent

Instatruck Pty Ltd.


  • Automate repetitive inquiries so customer support can focus on complex questions.

  • Intelligent bot behavior to help B2B customers save time & money.


  • Conversational AI agent ‘Izzy’ pulls from multiple knowledge sources including RAG through LLM embeddings.


  • Conversation Design for happy flows and fallback flows.

  • Recognition scores of over 90%

  • Intuitive support agent UI for managing handover of complex questions to human staff.

Multi-Domain Real Estate agent

Under NDA


  • Use Generative AI to make the existing conversational agent more accurate across multiple knowledge domains.

  • Improve the user experience.


  • Rebuilt the bot architecture to accommodate RAG through LLM embeddings while retaining existing integrations.

  • Advanced prompt engineering for domain classification and entity extraction.

  • Highly increased accuracy across domains.

  • Because the objectives were delivered ahead of schedule, You and AI was able to use remaining resources to add a streaming AI avatar that speaks and listens to the user.

We Speak AI, You Speak Success

Trusted partners since 2017

Custom Extension for Cognigy.AI

Virtually Human BV
The Netherlands


  • An extension that seamlessly integrates with the Cognigy.AI flow builder.

  • The extension makes it easy for 3rd parties to integrate a visual avatar from Virtually Human into their Cognigy environment.


  • Used Node.js and CognigyScript to create and build a custom extension npm package following Cognigy guidelines.

  • Features for spoken text, controlling avatar expressions and tone.

  • Led the package through the Cognigy.AI approval process.

© 2024 You and AI OÜ

Tornimäe tn 5
10145 Tallinn
Estonia, European Union
Registry code: 16834411