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Enable the exponential value of data + AI

Success in the age of AI requires your vision, a clear strategy and expert implementation.

You and AI are highly experienced AI Consultants and AI Engineers. We have a proven track record in delivering secure, high value Conversational AI and Generative AI solutions.

Unlock collaborative AI resources for your business today.

AI Consultancy & AI Outsourcing

Transform and accelerate with our dedicated AI Experts.

AI Strategy and Roadmapping

AI Strategy and Roadmapping

Together we set the stage for success. We fine-tune your unique vision on AI and create an actionable strategy.

You and AI help identify high value opportunities and lay the foundations for successful AI adoption.

Flexible Project Staffing

Automate processes and expedite tasks with large language models, conversational AI and generative AI.

You and AI are experts at designing, building, and deploying effective and engaging experiences.

AI Process Outsourcing

Entrust selected processes to our team of professionals so you can focus on your core business.

Our SLA-level agreements help ensure business continuity and compliancy.

You and AI team members

Your AI Pop Up Team

Tackle the knowledge gap and accelerate your AI transformation.

Get input from AI consultants who know how to listen and nurture AI innovation.

Tap into our flexible AI delivery teams who create scalable AI solutions in close collaboration with your staff.

We Speak AI, You Speak Success

Trusted partners since 2017

Get Started With AI

Dear visitor, I wish you a warm welcome at You and AI. My name is Wouter Sligter and I am a Senior AI Consultant.

I’m warmly inviting you for a brief discussion on AI enablement for your organization.

The call is on me – In other words it’s completely free and without any obligations.
I hope you will make use of this opportunity.

What cl-ai-nts say

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Nolenslaan 32-1
3515VH Utrecht
The Netherlands

22 Nguyen Ba Huan
Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City

© 2024 You and AI

Reg nr: EE16834411
Made in the European Union
Flag of Europe

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